DC chargers

High power and fast chargers (DC)

Our range of DC chargers includes high-power and fast chargers that are versatile for heavy-duty travel charging and depots as well as hotels and shopping malls.

Hypercharger for efficient charging on the road

The powerful and scalable high-power charger is perfect when ever efficient and fast charging is needed for heavy traffic and on the road. Thanks to the All-In-One design, the charger combines excellent design, scalability, high reliability and the best charging performance.

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Hypercharger is a compact 50 kW charger for fast charging

The HYC50 is a powerful fast charger that is a great choice when you need fast charging at gas stations, hotels, shopping centers and parking lots.

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Latinki11 DC Wallbox for efficient bidirectional charging (V2G)

Latinki11 is suitable for efficient 11 kW charging in businesses, hotels and shopping centers. DC Wallbox makes it possible not only to charge an electric vehicle, but also to use the charging of the car battery for other electricity purposes.

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